Linda Bonney

 Adopting a Costco Existence

with J India

Season One
Episode Twenty-Six 

"My mother loved Costco. From her perspective, she was really sick and debilitated in a lot of ways later in life. It was my first time there and you're treated like royalty, everyone wants to help you.

And I used to judge, I never understood why you needed to amass all these things. But now I understand it was the experience ".

Stories With a Sunday Roast
J India

Hear the Full Episode

Episode Summary

*disclaimer: this episode contains conversation about sexual abuse and trauma related events. Listen within your own guidance and reach out to others if necessary.

J India joins Linda on the podcast today to share her incredible story. An absolute innspiration is hardly the right explanation as she has experienced so much through adoption, trauma, death and the Peace Corps. Tune in to Linda and J India’s conversation, as they talk about:

  • Being spiritually connected to her mother through a Costco experience
  • Finally being able to let go of childhood trauma
  • Joining the Peace Corps and experiencing the culture of Estonia and surrounds
  • Her favorite Sunday Roast memory with her brother’s family at their home in the Hudson Valley of New York

Being able to let go of trauma and feel free to enjoy your life can be difficult at any age. J India’s story is not only beneficial and inspiring for others who might be dealing with trauma, it extends itself to many different areas beyond.

This episode has now been transformed into a chapter of its very own inside the book series Stories with a Sunday Roast. It weaves together the memories that were shared during the podcast conversations with my personal experiences.

Unlike the podcast, the carefully crafted stories and mouth-watering descriptions of roasty meals will transport you to another level as you turn the pages. To continue with more stories in book format, visit for all the details about the Stories with a Sunday Roast series today.

Welcome to the Stories with a Sunday Roast community.

We are so glad you have joined us.

About J India

J India is the host of four podcasts, including: Two Inches Off the Ground, Corporate Flight Attendant, and Ulcerative Colitis: Autoimmune Healing Journey. She loves being a voice for the metaphysical world and hopes that she assists in healing the collective with her words and energy.

*This information is as provided dated Sept 2022 and may be outdated.

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Kim White

About J India

J India is the host of four podcasts, including: Two Inches Off the Ground, Corporate Flight Attendant, and Ulcerative Colitis: Autoimmune Healing Journey. She loves being a voice for the metaphysical world and hopes that she assists in healing the collective with her words and energy.

*This information is as provided dated Sept 2022 and may be outdated.

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Stories with a Sunday Roast Podcast

About Stories
with a Sunday Roast

Stories With a Sunday Roast is a compilation of community discussions that ignite your creativity. We embark on a journey across the globe to showcase individuals and their unique stories, uncovering what shapes them and sparking thought-provoking questions.

Stories with a Sunday Roast Collections and Books Amazon Linda Bonney

The Book

Like the discussion above?

Well, now it has evolved into a chapter that weaves together tales from Linda Bonney. It's an expansion of the podcast, transformed into a creative collection of words on paper.

How incredible is that?

Contact Linda Bonney Lenah Valley Tasmania


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