D O Y L E   A V E

I am so thrilled you have landed here. This is a project near and dear to my heart. The Doyle project is an audio capture and time vault of people, personalities and experiences on Doyle Avenue situated on the small island of Tasmania, Australia.

It is captivating, exuberant, vast and can hardly be put into words how important it is to capture communities in such a way. Project Doyle bounds individuals together through a common vision and creates an audio experience to remember.

It's a central point which captures the street, the atmosphere the quirks and lurks, while also creating an opportunity to create history today for tomorrow alongside.

As a young girl I would walk the avenue (sometimes speeding through while late for school I must admit!). I have spent hours of curiosity studying the houses as they develop and age beautifully over time. Wondered who is behind the closed doors and, in typical Tasmanian form, bumped into Doylians throughout the years.

I invite you to join me for episodes which hold a certain slowness, feel like home and leave a mark on your heart below.

Listen to the highlight episode here

"I love that she tells it like it is, but with care. I like when I don't feel like someone is masking or playing games. She is Linda no matter the situation and I love that about her. I would tell everyone to subscribe."


- Margaret Atkins

Share in the journey

There is quite a lot that happens behind the scenes in a project such as this one! With so many stories uncovered so far, after just scratching the surface I look forward to bringing them to life in a way which only acknowledges and respects with all my heart.

Become a founding member.

Register to get early access to episodes, updates from behind the scenes, hand written love notes and inspiration galore! I would love to guide the vision and have you walk alongside.

